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Are All 2004 225 4 strokes corroded?

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  • #16
    The corrosion issue is strange.

    Two motors sitting side by side used in the salt. One may be rotten away and the other may be in pristine condition. Why is that?

    Many saltwater users don't have a problem. Why is that?

    Never heard of a fresh water user having the problem.

    Now while I don't believe the dry exhaust area can be flushed, I do believe that it can be submerged with salt water when a boat is being taken off of a trailer or put on a trailer. Or if the boat sits ass end heavy, in which case the water level will rise quite high within the exhaust of the motor. So now the parts are immersed in salt water that cannot be rinsed off.

    There were thousands and thousands of F225's produced and put into service when the model was first introduced. Given the number of motors in service, if 10% had the corrosion problem is that so bad? Now those that are part of the 10% will get on the inner web and cry over and over again about how bad the motor is. The 90% who don't have a problem sit silent and wonder what in the heck the fuss is all about.

    God I love the inner web. Even with all of its spiders.
    Last edited by boscoe99; 10-28-2016, 09:49 AM.


    • #17
      Would we expect corrosion that has begun in one of these motors to suddenly stop if the boat was relocated to a lake? I don't know....

      But I did notice a few spots of "blistered" corrosion on my lower unit when I bought my boat. Happily, they have not expanded. I was told my boat lived on a lake for a previous period of time. I am the third owner. My theory is the boat had the wrong exterior anodes for fresh water and this may have contributed to the blisters. Or docked at a marina with electrical issues...
      Last edited by pstephens46; 10-28-2016, 10:54 AM.

