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Broke off Zerk question

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  • Broke off Zerk question

    Hey guys, I recently bought a boat with a low hr 2013, F225, I went to grease the motor and noticed that there are the normal 2 zerks on the tilt tube however there is also a 3rd to the starboard side of the starboard fitting, it was broke off so I finally got the remaining brass threads out of the female threads, I cleaned the area with brake clean and noticed that my pick would only go inside aprox 3/16" , so Im now wondering where the heck do the grease go , in any event, I screwed in a new zerk , put the gun to it and NO GO, it will not accept grease, so is there salt build up in the back inside of the hole ? Dare I put an 1/8" drill bit inside ..? Any advice would be greatly appreciated guys, Im not a mechanic and do not want to screw it up..
    Thank you in advance