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VST problems

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  • VST problems

    I have a 225 ox66 2 stroke. I add gas shock to the fuel and seem to get the membrane clogged to offer. I have replaced the fuel tank, lines and filters. My question is is it necessary to add an additive or not. Some mechanics don't and some people run non ethanol fuel. Any advice will be helpful. I'm getting it out of the shop tomorrow and for now I'm not adding anything to the fuel!

  • #2
    Are you describing the filter becoming clogged with what looks like grey matter that turns into a powdery residue when it has dried?


    • #3
      If you are asking about running e-10 you must run stabilizer in it, or non-ethanol fuel.


      • #4
        Plus 1 ^^^^. But I use NON-ethonol as well..

        I do use Gas Shok (just put some in the bike this am) in fuel I keep stored for hurricane season (generator down here).

        I use K100 for a stabilizer as well as Yamaha's RingFree regularly in the boat.

        Ethonol fuel will go bad in as quick as a month W/O stabilizer. If you burn ALL your fuel within that time frame you'd probably be ok.

        IMO, RF and stabilizer is cheap insurance for a great running engine.

        Note: With that mix (for my boat), I've had the fuel last as long as TWO YEARS. I pumped it out (as I had an issue-turned out not to be fuel related) and my neighbor bought and used about 25 gallons in the SUV and Suzuki OB. I kept 5 gallons I'm still running it in the mower, weed-eater, etc W/O issue.

        I don't care for Stabil, I've seen varnishing in a carb float bowl (just cleaned) after using stabil about a month later ..
        1997 Angler 204, Center Console powered by a 2006 Yamaha F150TXR


        • #5
          That's what the mechanic turns white and chalky. He told me they had about 3 boats in the shop w/VST problems and they all used seafoam. I have always used gas shock since replacing the gas tank and it still seems to happen from time to time.


          • #6
            Scott thanks foR the info..I haven't used non ethanol just putting gas shock in it. Since I bought a house on the water I'm using the boat a lot more, my mechanic said as long as I'm using it frequently I shouldn't have any problems.
            When I got it out of the shop today he said the membrane had come off and was sitting on the bottom. He cleaned it and put it back together and ran good!


            • #7
              Well, I've been using the RF and K100 in my 1997 boat since 2007. I've NEVER had the tank pulled, inner tank filter pulled, drained it ONCE maybe 6 months ago with about 2 year old fuel.

              As stated I also use Gas Shok for maybe 6 months storage( hurricane season) and its never been an issue (stored in a 5 gallon can).

              I did use Gas Shok (same boat) in my Evinrude 150 before I re-powered as W/O stabilizer the carbs varnished up. I cleaned them, ran the boat. Two weeks later, varnished up AGAIN! Cleaned the carbs/varnish again. Went to the marina, they suggested I use Gas Shok. I used that alone from the late 1990's till 2007 with no issues to the carbs and they NEVER came off in early 2007...
              1997 Angler 204, Center Console powered by a 2006 Yamaha F150TXR


              • #8
                Boscoe...yes that's what's been happening. They seem to think its a chemical reaction by putting additives in it


                • #9
                  Originally posted by Mako1988 View Post
                  When I got it out of the shop today he said the membrane had come off and was sitting on the bottom. He cleaned it and put it back together and ran good!
                  Forgot to post, when they re-powered I wanted all new lines(they didn't change thru hull lines) and I used ethonol back then (2007).

                  Just doing basic maintenance I noticed the under cowl fuel filter on my F 150 full of something!? Checked the transom filter, spotless.

                  All that's left, is the short line from the transom filter to the F150. That short line was NEW, mercury line the marina put on. Pull that off and found the INSIDE MEMBRANE was actually peeling off (maybe 1/3) from the inside of that short line.

                  The Yamaha filter caught that amount. That membrane was wadded up in the line. Now this WAS marine grade fuel line.

                  I replaced it with some other(forgot the brand) 3/8 line from ANOTHER marina. No issues since.

                  I have to believe the ETHANOL caused the issue. I don't use ethanol anymore, its not worth it, but still use RF and a stabilizer as I don't use the boat as much as I should...
                  1997 Angler 204, Center Console powered by a 2006 Yamaha F150TXR


                  • #10
                    Thanks for the info Scott...I had to replace my tank..88 Mako, new lines and filters.
                    I've been using gas shok for a couple years so I don't think that is the issue. I believe the membrane coming off and using seafoam might of messed it up this time. He said the injectors were fine. I think I'll stick to gas shock!


                    • #11
                      Well I just put 50 gals of 89proof ethonal in it and should burn that in a week. I've talked to a couple people who never have had problems and don't even add anything.
                      But I think they will in the future!


                      • #12
                        Most of my issue is the F150 gets such great "mileage".

                        I can go out all day, (on and off engine, fishing, etc) and use MAYBE 5 gallons with a 60 gallon built in tank. And I won't go out with less than half a tank(30 gallons). The fuel gauge (Yamaha), doesn't move one notch.

                        With that said, I have to use a stabilizer as I can go out most of the summer (once or twice a month) with a full tank and not have to add fuel..

                        Heck, I could run from SW Florida to Key West and back without filling up (wouldn't, too small a boat)

                        But I never had an issue with the Gas shok for many years...
                        1997 Angler 204, Center Console powered by a 2006 Yamaha F150TXR


                        • #13
                          Originally posted by Mako1988 View Post
                          Well I just put 50 gals of 89proof ethonal in it and should burn that in a week. I've talked to a couple people who never have had problems and don't even add anything.
                          But I think they will in the future!
                          I am guessing that 90% or more of boaters use whatever gasoline is available to them at the gas station and that of that 90% 90% don't add any additives to their gasoline at all. I am one of the 90%/90%. I suspect the vast majority of boat motor owners don't ever have a fuel related problem.

                          Knock on wood but I have never had a gasoline related problem in anything I own. Oh wait, I let a lawn motor sit unused for over a year and a half and the carburetor got jammed up.

                          Now no matter what one does, or does not do, if they have a problem they need to try and do something different to prevent the problem from reoccurring.

                          My mother god rest her soul was on all sorts of medications before she died. Some of the shit the doctors gave her would react with other shit that other doctors gave her and made her goofy as a loon. Some of the reactions to medicines were worst than what was trying to be cured. So too methinks of using too many different gasoline additives. Who knows how they react to one another.

                          I would start with clean fresh fuel only and try and keep it that way. I would only use an additive if I had some sort of a problem. I am a believer in the "if it ain't broke then don't fix it" category.


                          • #14
                            My brother has a 150 on a 22 pathfinder and he gets great mileage, it's a 4 stoke though. I was so aggravated with this issue I priced a new Sho vmax 250..needless to say I'm goi g to keep fixing this if it keeps happening!


                            • #15
                              I'd run yours until its not worth fixing..

                              I re-powered when my 10 year old Evinrude was acting up and I didn't trust it anymore.

                              For as often as I went, the much more fuel usage wasn't a real issue as I went thru it...

                              But for $14K (new engine), you can buy ALOT of fuel...

                              But IMO, for the $ you just paid, (may not have fixed the problem with additives), RF is top notch stuff
                              as is the gas Shok, or with the K100(which I run) any water in the tank gets mixed up with the fuel and eventually burned off.. And it does work...

                              the third video is the best, IMO:
                              Last edited by TownsendsFJR1300; 05-27-2016, 12:59 PM.
                              1997 Angler 204, Center Console powered by a 2006 Yamaha F150TXR

