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Command Link Plus and Yamaha Gateway

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  • Command Link Plus and Yamaha Gateway

    Ordered the Yamaha gateway for Command Link plus that would allow me to use my Garmin 7610xsv with the Command Link Plus. I connected the gateway to the NEMA 2000 T but the other end will not mate with the Yamaha BUS bar. The kit part # MAR-GTWAY-KT-00 GTWAY KIT,FOR CLP,NM (Yamaha) came with a pig-tail. The end of the gateway that connects to the pig-tail is male, but so is the end of the pig-tail. Male to male. If one end was female I would be in business. Question: is there a pig-tail that has a female end? Pig-tail part # is: 6Y9-83553-50-00. If I cut and splice the gateway will I void warranty?


  • #2
    here's a listing (from a reliable source) which lists a different pigtail:

    presumably that one "works".

    Is there a warranty on the Gateway?

    I don't find the Command Link instruments appealing

    and my outboard is not CLP compatible anyway

    but the (unnecessary) complexity of the Yamaha CL and CLP stuff is endlessly fascinating....


    • #3
      I actually called SIM and saw the pic online that is what I needed. I decided to splice the wires. It works fine. If I void a warranty then so be it.
      I'm more interested in being able to see the dam gauges. Thanks for your reply you were spot on!


      • #4
        Originally posted by WFO75080 View Post
        I decided to splice the wires. It works fine.
        Bravo on your good sense.

        I'm about to use a couple of ordinary bullet connectors

        to replace the "Command Link to NMEA2000 cable" I installed last year

        and then sell it on eBay - to some other sap -

        for hopefully close to the $100 I paid for it....


        • #5
          Originally posted by fairdeal View Post
          here's a listing (from a reliable source) which lists a different pigtail:

          presumably that one "works".

          Is there a warranty on the Gateway?

          I don't find the Command Link instruments appealing

          and my outboard is not CLP compatible anyway

          but the (unnecessary) complexity of the Yamaha CL and CLP stuff is endlessly fascinating....
          It has to be that way. To keep people from connecting a CL network to a CL+ network. Which does not bode well.


          • #6
            Originally posted by boscoe99 View Post
            It has to be that way. To keep people from connecting a CL network to a CL+ network. Which does not bode well.
            Please. Three different connectors on that hub?

            which could / ought to be - simply 5 -no, make that _6_ NMEA Tees ?

            the parts complexity of "harnesses", "pigtails", and "kits" is so arcane

            that obviously many of their DEALERS can't comprehend it

            And they did that "right out of the box" - years before there was a CL+

            but yes, CL+ "upped the ante"
            Last edited by fairdeal; 04-26-2016, 06:41 PM. Reason: even worse


            • #7
              If your argument is that Yamaha should have used standard NMEA 2000 connectors and wires you won't get any disagreement from me.

              NMEA 2000 is supposed to have been a standard. Every engine maker and some MFD makers went their own ways. In Yamaha's case two ways. CL and then CL+. And then they modified the CL+ display and went backwards when they misunderstood customer complaints.

              Yamaha explaining their CL stuff to the average mechanic is like Rodnut explaining a "stupidly" simple speed density system to the average forum user. Those that understand it understand it and consider it to be simple. Those that don't have their eyes glaze over in a state of confusion.
              Last edited by boscoe99; 04-26-2016, 05:33 PM.

