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Yamaha 85 aet ( 2002 )

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  • #16
    did he test while the problem was there?
    and what all did he test and with what equipment?

    do all spark plugs have good spark when this motor is running bad?

    If so then it is probably going to be a fuel issue.

    I once found out that by running my C40 without the cowling and silencer on the motor that it would run fine as long as I was running against the wind at WOT, but when I turned around and went with the wind it had a high speed miss. (just as it did with cowling and silencer on)
    come to find out a previous owner drilled out the main jets. when I replaced them it ran fine with all the parts on motor as it should.

    All you can do is test what you can and then look long and hard for what is causing your problem

