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2003 HPDI issues

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  • 2003 HPDI issues

    Went fishing the other night and when I started engine to leave, would not get over 1900 RPM’s and 7mph. Second bar flashing above oil symbol and trim bars are all the way up with the top flashing. Oil tank on boat was over halfway full and engine oil tank was on full mark. I’m assuming it’s in reduction mode. Any ideas on where to start ? No audible alarm.

  • #2
    complete motor info would help.
    also does the audible alarm work when you test it?
    does the trim indicate the motor is tilted all the way up?
    that could keep the oil from transferring to the motor tank on some motors


    • #3
      Audible alarm works when tested, yes it shows trim is all of the way up and the top bar is flashing.


      • #4
        Ran fine to the spot, never trimmed motor up once we stopped. It’s an 03 200 HPDI. ( I can more info if needed on motor). We fished about 30 minutes, cranked up to leave and that’s when the problems started.
        Last edited by; 06-16-2024, 03:09 PM.


        • #5
          I would fix the trim signal to see if that changes the oil blinking.
          it may not transfer oil if it thinks the motor is trimmed all the way up

          I have never heard of a motor doing it, but maybe the motor does not let the RPM rise very far if the trim is up all the way
          Last edited by 99yam40; 06-16-2024, 04:56 PM.


          • #6
            The audible alarm works when I pull the float up on the oil tank on the motor, however never received an alarm. I don’t get a brief alarm when I turn the key on, some say it should temporarily sound when the key is turned on.


            • #7
              I would think lifting the float would tell it the tank was full

              See if you can fix the tilt sender problem
              Last edited by 99yam40; 06-17-2024, 01:41 PM.

