ok, so I replaced my fuel/water separator filter assembly which was corroded with a new one and also added a little length to one of my 5/16 fuel hose going to the port engine. The fuel/water separator assembly has two exit ports so it can furnish clean fuel to two engines (F115 in this case). After securing the assembly and tightening the hose clamps for all along with the single plug for the second inlet port on the assembly I quite for the day. A week later I came back to start the engines (boat is out of the water at the moment) to warm oil a bit before changing it. Neither engines would start or even engage. Battery was ok as I could trim engines ok. My deduction was there was some sort of fuel sensor that showed no fuel in the line. My question is my deduction correct? I disconnected the fuel supply like to the fuel filter on one of the engines to check fuel flow. I was clearly not able to pull fuel with a simple turkey baster. I tried pumping the squeeze pumps on the fuel line but they did not seem to be pushing enough fuel. I'm looking for some hints on simple ways to test if I have air leaks. My next move is to put a hand pump on the fuel line at the engine and see if I can pull fuel through the filter assembly from the fuel tank. I know I have fuel so that is not an issue.
Any ideas are welcome from the experienced yamaha/outboard folks.
Any ideas are welcome from the experienced yamaha/outboard folks.