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oil drain plug- F115

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  • oil drain plug- F115

    It seems there is a 14mm plug for draining the oil. Was thinking of attaching a adapter to tubing to drain into bucket. Will a 1/2" nylon adapter fit well enough since 14mm is .55 inches? Figure you can wrap with teflon tape to make difference.

    Is this drain plug located inside the round black exist at the bottom of the motor? I have not raised it up to look inside yet but from the manual looks like it it has to be inside the rubber outlet I see there.

  • #2
    The drain plug is up within the black rubber tube at the rear of the motor.

    You don't really need an adapter. Raise the motor to the full up tilt position. Remove the drain plug. No oil will come out. Hold a bucket under the rubber tube. While holding the bucket in one hand trim the motor back down. Oil will start flowing and go into the bucket. When the oil has stopped draining just tilt the motor back to the full up position. Reinstall the drain plug.

    But if it were me I would get a suction device and remove the oil via the dipstick tube. That way we won't have to be answering your questions about a stripped oil pan threads or the drain plug being cross threaded into the oil pan.


    • #3
      Ok so I have one of those suction devices and would use that but from another post of mine you can see I have not been able to start to engines to warm the oil after replacing my fuel/water separator assembly. Engines were running finite when I took her out of the slip so I'm betting I just need to get the fuel lines full of fuel with a hand vac on the fuel line at the motor upstream of the fuel filter. Hand pumping there will also let me know if I have air leak is my guess. Since the squeeze pumps did not push the fuel I wondering if the hand pumps are too old. They are at least 10 years old. I bought the rig used from neighbor who re-powered with these F115s in 05/06.


      • #4
        If the primer ball is down stream of the fuel filter, and if the fuel filter is not filled with gasoline before it is reinstalled, it can be a hellava job to get the primer ball to reprime the complete system.

        Also, it helps to hold the primer ball vertically with the outlet on top.

