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Engine alarm Overheating

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  • Engine alarm Overheating

    Hi I have a 2004 Yamaha 115 115TXRC and I have been getting an steady alarm and engine going in limp I checked the oil level and pump and it seems to be find so I start to check my cooling system since you can shut engine off and will go off in a minute and start over before alarm comes on again I opened the thermostat housing and have no thermostats in it so that shouldn't be the issue , what else should I look at, I read about a poppet valve but don know what it does

  • #2
    put the stats in that the motor was designed to have.
    without them the water does not circulate the way it should.
    someone removed them probably because of an overheating problem, but did not fix the problem


    • #3
      Is the water pump good? Start engine with a thermostat out and see if water is making it up to there.


      • #4
        Yup - if the t-stats are removed that means there was/is a problem in the cooling system.

        You didn't mention how long you had the engine and whether or not this issue just started?

        What's the flow like on a hose?

        What's the condition of the impeller?

        I'm leaning towards thinking it's clogged/partially clogged cooling passages in the head.
        2000 Yamaha OX66 250HP SX250TXRY 61AX103847T
        1982 Grady Weekender/Offshore (removed stern drive & modded to be an OB)

