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Relay electrical: difference between 68F8195A-00-00 and 6EX68195A-00-00
Boscoe99, the PTT motor has been replaced and is not laboring at all. It is healthy. I replaced that motor during my PTT overhaul due to worn beyond spec brushes and a failed pump shaft seal. This is the original 2004 PTT. I elected to go with an aftermarket replacement motor due to the cost of repairing the OEM Yamaha motor using OEM parts/OEM motor, despite the long service life on the original motor. I now have the PTT assembly completely apart again and have ordered all of the check balls to help identify for sure by part number and parts diagram exactly where they go. My question about the parts stack up on the down relief valve in relation to the ball and the pin remains. It seems to me the check ball would seat in the valve (i.e. it is captured to the right hand side of the pin. This is not how it is shown in the parts diagram, as I read it.
Any help on this is appreciated. F150TlRC
Originally posted by BaffinBay View PostBoscoe99, the PTT motor has been replaced and is not laboring at all. It is healthy. I replaced that motor during my PTT overhaul due to worn beyond spec brushes and a failed pump shaft seal. This is the original 2004 PTT. I elected to go with an aftermarket replacement motor due to the cost of repairing the OEM Yamaha motor using OEM parts/OEM motor, despite the long service life on the original motor. I now have the PTT assembly completely apart again and have ordered all of the check balls to help identify for sure by part number and parts diagram exactly where they go. My question about the parts stack up on the down relief valve in relation to the ball and the pin remains. It seems to me the check ball would seat in the valve (i.e. it is captured to the right hand side of the pin. This is not how it is shown in the parts diagram, as I read it.
Any help on this is appreciated. F150TlRC
Below is from the parts catalog and the service manual. They seem to be in agreement. Which is not always the case with Yamaha data.
boscoe99: I have scanned the individual pages from the Suzuki factory service manual that explain in good detail the operation of this PTT (3 ram Showa). It is six individual files in .pdf. What is the best way to get that to you? Some are inverted. Manual 99500-96J10-01E, Suzuki
With time and effort doing research boscoe99 answered my question re. the stack up of this "down orifice valve". From right to left it is
valve seat 64E-4382G-00-00, ball 6E5-43858-00-00, and pin 64E-4381G-00-00. This is not clear looking at the Yamaha parts diagram, but makes perfect sense if you think about how this orifice valve works. Thank you boscoe99. I will post results of my re-re-reassembly.
F150-TLRC power time and tilt SHOWA 3 ram. See boscoe99's post 19 in this thread: items 25, 26, 27, 28.
Correction to the name of the valve: Yamaha does not call it the "down orifice valve". Yamaha has no formal name for it other than the individual part numbers. Suzuki calls this valve the "pump room orifice" in their great explanation of how this PTT works. Credit boscoe99 with helping to figure out how this circuit works. Thank you sir.
This assembly is a check ball with orifice valve seat and pin. Yamaha part numbers are: 64E-4382G-00-00 valve seat, 6E5 43858-00-00 ball, 64E-4381G-00-00 pin, and 64E-43869-00-00 O-ring. Correct assembly going from right to left is valve seat, ball, pin, o-ring. The check ball side of the valve seat (the end of the seat has a tiny orifice drilling) goes into the gear pump housing. This ball is off of its seat on the "UP" command, and it is seated on the "DOWN" command. Its purpose is to allow or not allow return oil from piston movement up/down into the gear pump housing AND to direct return oil to the reservoir on the "DOWN" command. The PTT oil circuit has many components. This is just once part of that. The Yamaha parts drawing is a bit misleading. The correct assembly has the ball inside the housing, captured in place by the pin. The pin is a loose fit in the valve seat.
FYI I had this valve assembly in backward! This I think explains my very slow TRIM up and down issue, and possibly the problem with the engine tilting up on a hard reverse.I will post results of my re-re-reassmbly when completed. Parts are on the way.