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F40 2006 Carb Syncronize

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  • F40 2006 Carb Syncronize


    I have a Yamaha F40 model of 2006 and I want to syncronize the 3 carburetors, I have a vacuum syncronizer like this but whatever I do I can't syncronize them.
    Could anyone help me?

    Last edited by tanou2015; 03-31-2015, 12:35 PM.

  • #2
    Are you following the procedure in the service manual? It worked great for me, although I was using a vacuumate. Your use of gauges should not matter however.


    • #3
      I don't have the service manual.. only owner's manual


      • #4
        Hope this can help


        • #5
          Thank you very much for your help!
          I follow the instructions but the manometer indicators are bouncing at 900rpm...they stay stable only when I reach 3.500rpm..


          • #6
            See if you can borrow a vacuumate device. So much easier than trying to work with vacuum gauges.


            • #7
              undampend vacuum gauges are about usless.
              I owned a set for a bit,loaned them out and lucky for me they never came back.

              you will either need a dampend set or a vacuum mate type.


              • #8
                My vacuum gauge has an adjustable valve for each gauge..If I close the valves until the indicators stop bouncing will it shows me the right amount of vacuum?


                • #9
                  Originally posted by tanou2015 View Post
                  If I close the valves until the indicators stop bouncing will it shows me the right amount of vacuum?
                  Yes, thats what should happen
                  I have a similar vacuum gauge set and thats the way I tune carbs on my F100, on the my F40 I haven´t tuned the the carbs yet.

                  Don´t close to much the valves as you may have a wrong reading. Sometimes you may need to readjust the valves during the process.

                  Vacuummate its a nice tool but very expensive for a non professional of the business (IMO) at least for my pocket.

                  I've been chasing a used vacummmate for more than 2 years on ebay at good price but had no luck as is a tool worth good money even on 2nd hand (min 350/400 $ or €)

