I have a 50 EJRQ and have been chasing a few problems, finally got the proper service manual for it and solved a lot of things! One still is troubling me, the yellow light on my oil warning lights kept coming on. I used the manual and tested all the components, everything was fine. The other night we where on the water and I was playing with my fuel hookup to the motor and wiggled that part and the light was going on and off. So I started to wiggle the wires coming out of the control box and I could make it come on and off like there is a loose wire inside that control box, then I checked to see if I could buy a new one and can't find it on the parts pages anywhere. Am I missing it or is this something not available, and does anyone know the exact function on this box. Could it be causing a idle miss?
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50 HP control unit
I do not know of a control box on fuel inlet.
Maybe you can post a picture of what you are speaking aboutLast edited by 99yam40; 03-17-2015, 02:03 PM.
Damn if I can find it either.
Fuel inlet is via the bottom cowl. Nothing above that inlet that I can think of.
I see a pilot light assembly that is part of the warning lights system. I wonder if that is what is being referred to as a control box?
Item 55.
1992 50EJRQ Yamaha Outboard OIL PUMP TANK Diagram and Parts
Ok maybe he was referring to it being located above the fuel inlet.
I thought he was saying it was on the fuel inlet.
If the unit is not made to be taken apart then is not repairable and will need to be replaced as a unit
Sorry guys, yes it is the control box, and it is mounted above the fuel inlet on the bottom cowl.
It actually shows it in the link boscoe99 posted, but has no number designation. It is the box to the right of part # 55
Now the more I look at it, I guess it is all one assembly that I would have to buy. Since this is in the warning system, could it be causing an idle miss.
I don't see how but some strange stuff can happen. Why not simply disconnect it and see if he miss goes away.
Is your miss fuel or ignition related? The presumption being that you compression is OK.
Since I have no idea what the yellow light means beside getting low on oil maybe.
I would think low oil would restrict RPMS to 2K so do not see how that would cause a idle miss.
I thought the 40 and 50 reduced RPMs by retarding timing not cutting cylinders, but I could be wrong on that old of a motor as I never played with one before.Last edited by 99yam40; 03-20-2015, 10:10 AM.
Compression is 110-115 on all three cylinders, carbs have been redone by me 3 different times till I finally got them right, fuel enrichment diaphrams and fuel pump diaphrams all redone. It finally runs awesome all but this idle miss, all timing checked, by the manual/link and sync all right, checked and double checked. Just seems electrical, but I know most of the time it's fuel. Used the manual to check resistance on CDI values, DVA adapter on coils, all checked out, swapped plugs(to many times) even bought an extra coil pack and swapped it out on each cylinder just grasping for a fix...... Frustrated and stumped!
That control unit I was talking about is inline with the warning lamp system, it bolts to the lower cowl inside the hood with the same bolt that holds the main fuel connection you plug your fuel line into. That's the name that is in the service manual.
99yam40 you are correct about the low oil warning restricting RPMs to 2 thou, I checked out my remote units warning buzzer and low oil shut off, and the operation of the warning lights coming on properly when any of those systems tell it to, and all work. One of the reasons it has me stumped, I feel like I'm missing something