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115 1996 fuel issue

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  • 115 1996 fuel issue

    I have a 1996 115 yami I just purchased. I took it out for a test run, and after getting up on top and running at high rpm's for several minutes, the primer bulb collapsed. I got it reinflated and idoled back to the ramp. I got the bulb reinflated and pumped up, but when I tried to restart the engine, it would not turn over. It was suggested my up take may be clogged, and it was. I cleaned it and tried to start again, and it still would not start. The bulb primes. I put I new fuel/water separator filter in, and a new inline filter. I did not replace the filter on the engine. Any thoughts or suggestions? I am dying to go out in my new boat!!

  • #2
    your fighting two issues.
    one is/was a restriction in the fuel system between the primer and the liquid in the tank.

    the no turn over is going to be electrical OR mechanical.

    could be as simple as someone forgot to return the shifter to the N position to a burned piston.
    could also be a gearcase failure.

