So happy I found this forum!! I have been reading about the F225 Yamaha fuel issues because...I too am having issues that seem to be fuel related. My 2004 F225 has been having issues with the old owner who sold it to me as is. The engine, after sitting 24+ hours I have been able to start it and idle beautifully. After two or three minutes approximately, it will stall and be extremely difficult to start or not start at all. If I did get it started, it will only run at 1400 rpm or higher, anything less will back fire, miss, or stall. Fuel pump asm. has been replaced within the past 3 months or less than 20 hours ago. (Note: only stated on the invoice fuel pump asm. $330.) I have used a separate fuel can to eliminate the fuel tank and lines to the fuel ball. Same issue. I can hear the low pressure pump run for the 10 seconds then stop as per the manual. Leaning toward removing and cleaning/testing the VST . Just for full disclosure, I have disconnected the shift cutout switch and the neutral switch with the same results (reconnected.)
Any ideas before I dive in???