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twin yamaha control system

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  • twin yamaha control system

    I have twin Yamaha 225 four strokes 2005 models and have two control stations. top and bottom.

    For this I have two control boxes and two shift boxes. one set for stb and one set for port.

    I am in the process of replacing all my cables for this system as they were worn and needed to be replaced.

    Took the boat out yesterday and on the top station was getting a lot of alarms which I asume were the shift alarms, so assumed something was set up wrong on the top station, I found two cables that were crossed over port and stb, fixed those but suspect I have other cables that were set up wrong as I am still getting alarms and now both motors have stalled and will turn over but will not start.

    Can you send me a diagram of where the cables fo rthe top system and the bottom system go (one side of the box is shift and one side is throttle four cables enter each control box, top and bottom... I am thinking I put the cables in wrong..

    Why are the motors not turning on or is the part of the shift system and will resolve itself when I have the cables set up correctly or is there a reset I need to do?

    I live in Panama and believe my boat is the only boat with this system and the local Yamaha dealer has no idea on how to set this up. This was my previous experience three years ago.

    So appreciate your help on this.


  • #2
    first we need to know if the control boxes are factory Yamaha OR morse OR Teleflex.
    my single F150 with a second station uses morse twin lever controls.
    if you have separate throttle and shift controls you don't have the Yamaha setup.


    • #3
      dual station kit (twin) aka syncro control system

      They are Yamaha this is a discontinued system.
      the control cables go to a control box (DS unit, there are two of these one for each side), which comunicates electronically to a shift box(one for each side as well) so for each side so I have four boxes. two for stb and two for port

      The control box (DS unit) has four cables going into it and one going out to the motor (throttle)
      a wire to the shift box which has a single cable to go to the motor to shift the engine.

      My question is (for example lets discuss the stb motor) in regards to the four cables going into the control box two are from up top (a shift and a throttle) and two are from the lower station.

      the box is divided in half the lower half of the box (bottom) is the throttle control the top is the shift control. what side (right or left)do I put what control cables? I think I crossed them which is why the morors are stalled...


      • #4
        Send me a PM with your email address por favor. I have some information for you that might help.



        • #5

          my e mail address is

          Spent all morning working on it and discovered (of course) that Yamaha labels the boxes with what cable goes where! so it says upper station and lower station (on the box etched in the metal)so I solved the cable mix up and have them all straightened out. In addition I took apart the boxes and greased them up really well so now both sets of controls are working and both motors are starting (out of the wáter)
          the port motor is still stalling when I put it in geart from the lower station but I think that should be an adjustment in the shift box. will fool with it tomorrow and see if I can put it in the wáter to do the final adjustments (cannot adjust the shifts when the boat is out of the wáter as the motors do not shift the same out of the wáter (at least that is what I read and have always found it to be true.

          look forward to your info anything additional would help.

