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  • part availability

    I am trying order about $1,000 in parts and have been unable to reach anyone to determine if the parts are in stock. Any advice for getting through to to order parts?

  • #2
    Originally posted by Novurania View Post
    I am trying order about $1,000 in parts and have been unable to reach anyone to determine if the parts are in stock. Any advice for getting through to to order parts?
    First, let me state for the record that I am in no way affiliated with or connected to

    They are the largest volume Yamaha parts dealer in the USA. Probably so for Mercury, Honda, Suzuki, et al parts as well. Might also be the largest volume loose motor dealer as well.

    A $1000 order is chump change to That would be like someone trying to buy something from me for one/one hundreth of a penny. Maybe less.

    Have you tried calling them at their toll free number? Usually there is no problem getting through to them.


    • #3
      Could not get through after waiting for 30 minutes. I mentioned the size of the order just as a reference. Either way, a customer who waits is a customer lost.


      • #4
        You just tried once?
        Apparently you do not have a wife or kids or even a girl friend if you give up that quick.
        try again


        • #5
          While I prefer to ignore ad hominem remarks, I think I will address this one. I have a wife and three kids. Not sure why that is relevant. I also run one of the largest law firms in a major metropolitan area in this country. I suspect our profits dwarf anything this parts supplier might hope to achieve. Every client of ours, large or small, receives prompt courteous help from us. Our clients would never tolerate a phone line that leaves you hanging for thirty minutes, the first time (and, in my case) the next two times I tried. I never put my hands in someone's pocket to imply that an order is big or small; never bring family into the discussion and avoid businesses that are not responsive. My order has been placed elsewhere.


          • #6
            You are much to important and busy to be involved with the likes of us.

            Good riddance.


            • #7
              to[sic]. When you are rude, at least you should spell correctly.


              • #8
                Heck, if I knew it was from one of those I would not have even wasted my time posting or yours having to read what I posted.
                You could have posted the 1st time you tried several times.
                never can get all the right info from these kind of people

                Seems like someone was just wanting to try and tell us he is way more important than any of us.
                But that is OK we know better


                • #9
                  Customer service

                  Novurania, at our store it does not matter if you have bought a ten dollar watch battery ,or a ten thousand dollar **** and diamond tennis bracelet , I agree with your decision, how quickly they forget the demise of the marine industry in 2008


                  • #10
                    that dude must have never delt with the VA or Champus or Tricare or delta dental.
                    30 min on hold would be pretty quick.
                    heck even getting a human on the phone the SAME day would be doing well.


                    • #11
                      Originally posted by rodbolt17 View Post
                      that dude must have never delt with the VA or Champus or Tricare or delta dental.
                      30 min on hold would be pretty quick.
                      heck even getting a human on the phone the SAME day would be doing well.
                      Hey, this guy is a lawyer who says that he makes lots of money. He never has to wait for anything from anybody. He is much too important to himself.

                      Obviously a cheapskate lawyer since he is trying to buy parts at a discount.

                      I wonder why he did not simply send one of his many subordinates to his local dealer to buy all of the parts he wants.


                      • #12
                        Originally posted by boscoe99 View Post
                        Hey, this guy is a lawyer who says that he makes lots of money. He never has to wait for anything from anybody. He is much too important to himself.

                        Obviously a cheapskate lawyer since he is trying to buy parts at a discount.

                        I wonder why he did not simply send one of his many subordinates to his local dealer to buy all of the parts he wants.
                        That's what I was thinking.
                        But then that might be how he became so rich and powerful going for the discounted items.

                        BTW my dealing with them has be great.


                        • #13
                          I also was wondering why he was even trying to buy parts. You would think he would have it all taken care of by someone that was not as important.

                          Cannot even think of a lawyer spending any time on the phone without charging someone for the time whether it was for their account or not
                          Last edited by 99yam40; 08-27-2014, 01:23 PM.


                          • #14
                            Maybe there is more to this entertainment.....He may have gotten through, pi$$ed someone off with his "lawyer lip", and they aren't answering. Life's too short...........
                            2003 Model 20' Jones Brothers Bateau - Light Tackle Edition, 2002 Yamaha F80


                            • #15
                              Originally posted by Bb - B Flat Blues View Post
                              Maybe there is more to this entertainment.....He may have gotten through, pi$$ed someone off with his "lawyer lip", and they aren't answering. Life's too short...........
                              I had not thought of that. He probably felt that he was not getting the "respect" that a man/women of his/her stature deserved.

                              He should have mentioned that he was a member of the esteemed legal profession. With an "esquire" in front of his name. And that he could buy/sell from his petty cash box.

                              Which reminds me. Do you know how to tell the difference between a dead snake in the road and a dead lawyer in the road? The snake will have skid marks in front of it.

