The basic principle of the air bleed can be explained by the illustration below. In each case, the same degree of suction is applied to a vertical tube placed in the container of liquid. As shown in A, the suction applied on the upper end of the tube is sufficient to lift the liquid a distance of about 1 inch above the surface. If a small hole is made in the side of the tube above the surface of the liquid, as in B, and suction is applied, bubbles of air enter the tube and the liquid is drawn up in a continuous series of small slugs or drops. Thus, air “bleeds” into the tube and partially reduces the forces tending to retard the flow of liquid through the tube. However, the large opening at the bottom of the tube effectively prevents any great amount of suction from being exerted on the air bleed hole or vent. Similarly, an air bleed hole that is too large in proportion to the size of the tube would reduce the suction available to lift the liquid. If the system is modified by placing a metering orifice in the bottom of the tube and air is taken in below the fuel level by means of an air bleed tube, a finely divided mixture of air and liquid is formed in the tube, as shown in C.
In a carburetor, a small air bleed is bled into the fuel nozzle slightly below the fuel level. The open end of the air bleed is in the space behind the venturi wall where the air is relatively motionless and at approximately atmospheric pressure. The low pressure at the tip of the nozzle not only draws fuel from the float chamber but also draws air from behind the venturi. Air bled into the main metering fuel system decreases the fuel density and destroys surface tension. This results in better vaporization and control of fuel discharge, especially at lower engine speeds.
In a carburetor, a small air bleed is bled into the fuel nozzle slightly below the fuel level. The open end of the air bleed is in the space behind the venturi wall where the air is relatively motionless and at approximately atmospheric pressure. The low pressure at the tip of the nozzle not only draws fuel from the float chamber but also draws air from behind the venturi. Air bled into the main metering fuel system decreases the fuel density and destroys surface tension. This results in better vaporization and control of fuel discharge, especially at lower engine speeds.