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trying to identify year mtor was manufactured

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  • trying to identify year mtor was manufactured

    Hello trying to fig out what year my motor is. The plate says
    50 DETO 6H5 L 410982. THANKS FOR YOUR TIME

  • #2
    Manufactured in 1985


    • #3
      thanks almetelo.. what did you use to find that. I had searched everywhere but they never want to give the European model #s!


      • #4
        Almetelo is a crafty fellow. He knows that which apparently Yamaha does not want known.

        Based on the way Yam service manuals are written it appears that Yam also does not want folks to know how they work or how to take them apart and put them back together again.


        • #5
          yes boscoe he is. Everywhere I look I cannot find the DETO in the manufacturer numbers! still cant pull up the info he gave me even knowing the year! That's crazy!


          • #6
            Originally posted by ajp19777 View Post
            yes boscoe he is. Everywhere I look I cannot find the DETO in the manufacturer numbers! still cant pull up the info he gave me even knowing the year! That's crazy!
            Where are you located? What are you looking for?

            A 50DETO was not sold here in the USA. You are not going to find anything about it here in the states, if that is where you reside. Yamaha USA only provides data (as crappy as it is) for the models that they distributed.

