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Holeshot Issue

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  • Holeshot Issue

    My 2007 Yamaha F250(825 hrs) has recently started to alarm on holeshot. Lower unit is pissing,and there do not appear to be any overheat issues. As long as I feather the throttle up gradually,it will NOT alarm and there are no issues at WOT...... I've had it in to my Yamaha tech and they seem to be stumped. Diaganostics throws up a 123 code,which I'm told indicates an electrical issue. They ran the boat ( Pathfinder 2200TE ) and indicated that engine temps remained within normal parameters. Changed the Oil Pressure Sender and that wasn't it. Since the alarm is in the ECM, we swapped out the unit from a friends motor and that wasn't it either. I'm told they hope to get the regional tech rep here next week to see if he can add some insight...... Would love to hear some ideas.

  • #2
    code 123 is an electronic throttle alarm.
    does your tech have a manual? can he read?
    electronic throttle(driving motor relay)
    it is an electrical issue, most likely a loose pin or a faulty throttle valve.

    dunno why anyone would swap an oil pressure sensor for a code 123.


    • #3
      Thanks 17.... I specifically asked them if it was possible the problem was in the throttle itself and they said no. Seems hard to imagine they've been so far off base. I'll be speaking with them again today. Really appreciate your insight.....


      • #4
        on the non DEC F250 motors a cable drives an acceleration sensor, actually 2 in one unit, it uses a null voltage setup.
        as the APS moves the ECU monitors the APS and the TPS ,2 of them to, and determines throttle command VS throttle angle.
        from there it applys a ground path to operate the throttle MOTOR in either a ccw or cw direction to open or close the throttle based on APS voltage.

        the reason for APS 1 and 2 and TPS 1 and 2 is better response and redundancy.

        however your code is for throttle motor relay voltage.

        that has nothing to do with APS or TPS it has to do with throttle shaft motor operating voltage.

