In the manual for a 2003 yamaha 130 txrb it says to turn the magneto control lever so it contacts the full advance adjusting screw. Do I turn it by hand ? And when checking the engine idle speed can I just use the tach that is on the boat or do you need one of those other techs that gets connected to the spark plug lead? I'm havin some idiling issues, stalling out when at idle but fine when in gear.I'm trying to figure out whats going on. On my tach it is idling at about 1000 rpm and it should be at 750 rpm +/- 50. Also engine sometimes takes a few turns of the key to start when usually starts right up.thamks for the help
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Inspectin ignition timing
there are 3 timing settings.
idle, carb pickup and WOT.
as long as it was set correctly at delivery AND no one has dinky danked it.
it wont change for the engines life for idle and WOT.
pick up timing can be altered by incorrect carb linc and sync.
in the water you can disconnect the carb link and get a rough idea with a timing lamp and manually moving the magneto control.
I recommend WOT timing be done with a dyno or a test wheel.
typically if the tread locking compound is broken on the stop screws I know the untrained splatter gunner has been in it and look out.
Hahah the splatter gunner. If the full advance and retard timing is correct should I lower the idiling speed back down to 750rpm to see if that would fix the idiling issue? I'm wondering if this is even the problem though cause like you said if no one messed with it it should be good. Might have to get someone to look at it . I would like to try and learn how to do this. By disconnecting the carb link and moving the magneto lever is that testing the carb pickup? Can you give a little more info on doing that test please?in my manual it says to check by turning the magneto control lever so the full retard screw contacts the crankcase then check that the mark on the throttle cam aligns with the center of throttle roller. If I don't have a light should I use this way or go get a light?Thank you very much. ps: everytime you take out carbs and clean them do you have to sync the carbs?Last edited by Yamaha3535; 06-03-2014, 11:48 PM.
without a timing light your sunk.
don't dink with the screws.
before dinking with screws try to understand what that screw does.
all that magneto control lever does is rotate the pulser coils to advance or retard ign.
once set ,if nothing mechanical fails, its set for LIFE.
or until it gets hit by a splatter gunner.
your idle issue is most likely fuel related,
Ok thanks for the help. How many turns for the pilot screws for my engine? I have heard a few answers. I did clean my carbs in the beginning of the year and diggy danked with those pilot screws. Maybe it needs to be sync or the pilot screws are out of whack. Can you give me the number of turns and how do you sync the carbs. Thank youLast edited by Yamaha3535; 06-04-2014, 08:11 AM.
You said you have a service manual, it should have all the specs and steps for procedures if it is the proper manual.
get your hands on a timing light
and see what it is before asking about what to do if it is all OK.
Something aint right if you did the sync and link after cleaning carbs,
and yes it needs to be done each time you reinstall carbsLast edited by 99yam40; 06-04-2014, 06:27 PM.
Got to my boat today and adjusted the pilot screws and it started right up. No pronlblems at idle. Back on the water tomorrow. Hopefully this will help someone in the future. Thanks for the help.