Will a 2000 70 HP 2stroke cowl fit a 1988 70 HP 2 stroke? They look to be identical but I don't want to purchase it until I'm sure it will fit. Thanks, TW
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Cowling Question
There is a 70ETLG and a 70ETG for 1988 and a 70TLRY and a C70TLRY for 2000. Better make sure you know which two specific models that you are talking about having interchangeable parts.
My guess is that it will fit if you are talking about a 70TLRY cowl being installed on a 1988 70ETLG. However, the only way that I know of to know for certain is to try the 2000 cowl on the 1988 motor.
Unless you have both there to compare or try to put on the motor it will not be easy to say if it will fit , that is way he said it the way he did,
He said he guesses it would fit not that it will
My guess is based solely on the fact that both the 70TLRY and 70ETLG top cowls use the same seal.
As 99Yam notes, it is just a guess. Only Yamaha might know for sure. Or, you once you have tried it.
Base your offer to buy it on the condition that if it does not fit then it can be returned.
To determine any differences or commonality between any two models simply open the parts catalog for both models at this website. Then, open like illustrations. Physically inspect the drawing and the part numbers for the various parts that comprise the assembly.
For instance
1988 70ETLG Yamaha Outboard TOP COWLING Diagram and Parts
2000 70TLRY Yamaha Outboard TOP COWLING Diagram and Parts