This topic seems to get beat to death, but all the part numbers are making my head swim! What I have is a 2006 F50 Tiller, multifunction gauges #'s: 6Y5-83500-40 (speed/fuel) and 6Y5-8350T-81 (tach). From other posts it seems that I'll need an adapter to make this tach work with a 2006 motor. The harnesses I have are #'s: 6y5-83553-M0-00 (speed/fuel) and 68f-82553-80-00 (tach). Is this whole scenario possible? I haven't really dug into it yet, but want to make sure I have all the parts and adapters before I install. I've been told it will work, but you guys seem to have the specifics on how!
Thanks in advance!
Thanks in advance!