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Yamaha Rotor Magnets - Rodnut/anyone

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  • #16
    would that be one the largest flat sides is N and the opposite largest flat side is S
    or one end of the inside flat surface is N and the other end is S
    each magnet has 6 sides if it has all flat surfaces.
    round or rod type would not

    would a bar type of magnet be attracted stronger to the surface of a flywheel at the N or S ends or the side.

    the small button magnets I have here at the house to play with, have much stronger attraction on the flat ends even when stacked together to make a cylinder than the sides.

    I would think the stronger the magnetic field the coil passes thru should create more electron flow
    Last edited by 99yam40; 12-29-2018, 01:28 PM.


    • #17
      From perusing the innerweb it appears that the north side of one magnet would be towards the coils and the south side of the next adjacent magnet would then be towards the coils. 12 magnets, 6 with north pole facing the coils and 6 with south pole facing the coils. 12 poles in all. 12 pole setting on the tachometer..

      I guess.


      • #18
        make sense to me
        at least follows some of the ways I was thinking

        With horse shoe magnets you were suppose to keep a bar across the 2 ends to help keep it longer. I guess the flywheel itself would help direct some of the magnetic lines/field since the magnets are stuck to that metal
        Last edited by 99yam40; 12-29-2018, 04:41 PM.


        • #19
          exactly. 6 mags.
          12 poles.
          a sine wave.


          • #20
            This may help in this discussion.



            • #21
              Originally posted by panasonic View Post
              This may help in this discussion.

              I am suspicious of anything that guy writes. He writes what he wants, rather than write what is.

              He then refers people to his writings as if they are some authoritative source.


              • #22
                well reading that he did not prove anything, he just said we can deduce that each pair of magnets are orientated the same.
                holding a magnet in you hand and feeling the repulsion or attraction of each in the flywheel would prove how they are set up


                • #23
                  Originally posted by rodbolt17 View Post
                  exactly. 6 mags.
                  12 poles.
                  a sine wave.
                  Rod did you look while at the shop to see how many magnets were in that flywheel?

                  strange how Boscoe said 12 magnets and you said 6


                  • #24
                    Originally posted by boscoe99 View Post

                    I am suspicious of anything that guy writes. He writes what he wants, rather than write what is.

                    He then refers people to his writings as if they are some authoritative source.
                    Guess I should have said "may or may not" then.


                    • #25
                      It's a very complicated theory, most don't know how the sine wave is produced (and to be fair, most don't care, or need to know) having been involved in magnetic devices for a long time, it takes a lot of thinking to actually fully grasp what goes on, most of us just know that magnets can be fun to play with.


                      • #26
                        yea, i had to break out some copper pipe and the magnets to see the result of dropping them thru the pipe.
                        with the stack of small button magnets sitting in a plastic container open at the top, I dropped it thru the copper pipe and sure enough the plastic container came thru way before the magnets did.
                        how could I have not known this for 66 years


                        • #27
                          Originally posted by panasonic View Post

                          Guess I should have said "may or may not" then.
                          Not beating up on you. I just have crossed paths with that yahoo a time or two. He leaves me cold.

                          He tried to get me into a heated argument about my use of Yamaha's term "condenser" for a capacitor. He wasted thousands of words trying to convince me that Yamaha did not, does not, know what in te hell they are talking about. His way or the high way.

                          A real pedant he is.


                          • #28
                            Originally posted by ausnoelm View Post
                            It's a very complicated theory, most don't know how the sine wave is produced (and to be fair, most don't care, or need to know) having been involved in magnetic devices for a long time, it takes a lot of thinking to actually fully grasp what goes on, most of us just know that magnets can be fun to play with.
                            Yes, they are fun. But they have some today that can hurt you. Powerful buggars they be.


                            • #29
                              Originally posted by 99yam40 View Post
                              yea, i had to break out some copper pipe and the magnets to see the result of dropping them thru the pipe.
                              with the stack of small button magnets sitting in a plastic container open at the top, I dropped it thru the copper pipe and sure enough the plastic container came thru way before the magnets did.
                              how could I have not known this for 66 years
                              Happens to me daily.


                              • #30
                                a condenser is a capacitor.
                                simple as that.
                                if you don't believe it charge one up on the old snap on ign simulator and hand it to a shop mate.
                                12 poles means six magnets all day long.
                                if all we want to do is generate a sine wave it wont matter pole orientation if we are simply feeding it to a full wave bridge rectifier.
                                now if we wish to use it to correctly time an event you may wish to orient them all in the same direction.
                                two ways to generate a Alternating Current{A/C} sine wave.
                                move a coil past a mag or a mag past a coil.
                                this is stuff I learned back in advanced auto shop in the 9yh grade. basic earth science.
                                it is also why most readings need to be done as a PEAK.. sine wave again folks.
                                pulser coils,charge coils,lighting coils crank position sensors, yep it all a simple sine wave with a + and - peak.
                                an equal wave form. so basic it appears on primitive cave drawings.
                                as do square and flyback waves.
                                we wont get into clippers,clampers and wave shaping circuits, although I was trained for it.
                                it is why trons don't bother me. so far they have not developed any outboard systems more complex than a CIWS mount.

                                it is as simple as base biasing the PNP or NPN transistor or gate voltage on an SCR.

