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Beware! Do not buy new Canadian Yamaha!

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  • Beware! Do not buy new Canadian Yamaha!

    I was very surprised by the number of yamaha outboard dealership here in the states which thought a Canadian outboard would be covered here in the states. So please people, if you are going to buy a yamaha product, do not buy them in Canada and use them in the states; otherwise, they won't warranty it! And when I ask people around, they get very surprised and say "well, a yamaha is a yamaha!" Yea, true but not to Yamaha! And if you want to talk to the Scott Harrison which rejected my claim because I was in the states, here's his number 416-498-1911. I'm very disappointed by Yamaha and I guess Yamaha Japan must also be a different breed of Yamaha.

  • #2

    If I'm not wrong I guess I've read a few days ago a post where you posted a problem with your F30 and Boscoe gave you some tips trying to help you...
    I have no clue if your problem can be covered by warranty but no matter where you bought the motor you should have warranty protection by the company! (if applicable, of course...) At least in EU all new product have 2 years warranty by law but the company can give more years of warranty...
    Because your motor was bought in CAN should have warranty protection anywhere in the world that have a autorized Yamaha dealer!

    If I buy a new car in Germany I donīt need to go there for maintenance or have warranty!!!

    Keep in mind that most all companies try to avoid cover repairs under warranty unless in specific cases... like unsures on anywhere I guess.

    Contact Yamaha Japan.


    • #3
      The problem with contacting Yamaha Japan is that they will forward the complaint/appeal letter to Yamaha Canada. Yamaha Canada will call him and restate Yamaha Canada's position.

      If I were the OP I would file a small claims court suit against Yamaha Motor Corporation (YMC) in the state of Georgia. They built the motor and they control their distributors Yamaha Canada and Yamaha USA. Easy to do here in the state of Georgia and the filing fee is small.

      If Yamaha does not show up to defend themselves then the OP will usually win on a default basis. To actually show up will cost Yamaha some money and time and they might find it more beneficial to themselves to honor a claim than to try and defend against it, as they could very well lose.

      Yamaha Japan left a hose that is subject to water pressure unsecured. This can be ascertained by viewing the parts catalog. The claim can be that this improper action constitutes a defect that is or, or should have been, covered by the warranty. That defect lead to damage that should be fixed under warranty.

      That is what I would do anyway.

      GA Magistrate Court Information for Consumers | Governor's Office of Consumer Protection


      • #4
        I was thinking of doing that. Do you know their corporation address? Cause I can't find any info about their address?


        • #5
          Its a whole lot easier up there in Georgia than in Florida and the max $ cap is MUCH higher..

          Agreed with filing suit.

          It'll cost more in lawyers fees for Yamaha than to just fix your engine (which is the right thing to do anyway)
          1997 Angler 204, Center Console powered by a 2006 Yamaha F150TXR


          • #6
            Here is their corporate address in Japan

            Q2Where is the Yamaha Motor's head office located?A

            The head office locates at 2500 Shingai, Iwata, Shizuoka, Japan.

            You got a Yamaha Master Technician here in the states saying that he is aware of this problem and that Yamaha US has repaired other motors with the same sort of problem and damage under warranty. Why are you being arbitrarily and capriciously being denied warranty coverage?

            You got evidence (parts catalog) of other Yamaha motors that use clamps on hoses to prevent water leakage. You got evidence (parts catalog and your own motor) that your motor did not have clamps. By the use of clamps on other motors, Yamaha knew that they are needed to prevent leakage. Their failure to use said clamps on your motor is evidence of a defect.

            I would file a small claims court suit in Georgia against Yamaha Motor Corporation, 2500 Shingai, Iwata, Shizuoka, Japan on the basis that their two North American distributors have failed to provide you with the warranty to which you are entitled.

            Yamaha Motor Corporation, USA
            6555 Katella Avenue
            Cypress, CA 90630

            Yamaha Motor Canada Ltd.
            480 Gordon Baker Road
            Toronto, Ontario
            M2H 3B4

            I note in the video that you sound (to me anyway) to be of Vietnamese descent. You might want to use the argument that you are being discriminated against on the basis of your nationality. Here in the US that is a hot button and is known to make lawyers sit up and pay attention.

            Good luck. If you need more help let me know. I always knew that Yamaha Canada was a POS organization. I just did not know the extent of it. Yamaha US is just trying to stay out of it and blaming it on Yamaha Canada.


            • #7
              not only will the parts diagram show no secureing parts on some of the hoses there is a technical bulliten recalling some of the F motors DUE to that fact.

              its well known and documented that unsecured water lines can,will and do pop off.
              then the cowl fills up with water and water is injested,typically the bottom cyl, and rods then bend or snap.

              this has happened on several four strokes I work on from the F40 to the F350.

              I don't have the address handy but Yamaha north American headquarters is in Kennasaw GA.

