Rodman, need your thoughts.
F50TLR Fuel Injected Model
It appears that on this motor the relay applies battery power to the fuel pump to operate the pump. The pump is permanently grounded. Is this your understanding? Assbackwards from Yams modus operandi to ground the pump to make it run.
The relay appears to get power from the tachometer green wire. Any idea why this is?
Anyone else feel free to review the relay and let me have your thoughts please. Good, bad, ugly.
F50TLR Fuel Injected Model
It appears that on this motor the relay applies battery power to the fuel pump to operate the pump. The pump is permanently grounded. Is this your understanding? Assbackwards from Yams modus operandi to ground the pump to make it run.
The relay appears to get power from the tachometer green wire. Any idea why this is?
Anyone else feel free to review the relay and let me have your thoughts please. Good, bad, ugly.