The Seloc and Yamaha manual states the resistances for my primary side of the ignition coil as 0.18 - 0.24 ohms.
I have bought an aftermarket coil labelled as CM61-26 but has a primary side resistance of 2 ohms.
The secondary is 6100 ohms which is a bit higher than the 5700ohm limit also stated in the manuals.
I have measured a genuine yamaha coil as 0.18 ohms and 4700 ohms so it is not my multimeter that is reading funny.
all measurements on secondary done without the resistance type sparkplug cap connected.
my question is, must the primary resitance be as low as 0.2 ohms. will fitting the 2 Ohm ones damage my CDI? why do they sell this as a replacement if its 10 times out of spec?
I have a 85Hp 1991 "688" type motor premix oil.
The Seloc and Yamaha manual states the resistances for my primary side of the ignition coil as 0.18 - 0.24 ohms.
I have bought an aftermarket coil labelled as CM61-26 but has a primary side resistance of 2 ohms.
The secondary is 6100 ohms which is a bit higher than the 5700ohm limit also stated in the manuals.
I have measured a genuine yamaha coil as 0.18 ohms and 4700 ohms so it is not my multimeter that is reading funny.
all measurements on secondary done without the resistance type sparkplug cap connected.
my question is, must the primary resitance be as low as 0.2 ohms. will fitting the 2 Ohm ones damage my CDI? why do they sell this as a replacement if its 10 times out of spec?
I have a 85Hp 1991 "688" type motor premix oil.