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1988 6sg 2 stroke power upgrade

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  • 1988 6sg 2 stroke power upgrade

    Does anyone know if this model can be upgraded to the 8hp 8sg with a carb change? Or if it would require more parts? Or if it is even possible or worth it at all.
    Thanks in advance.

  • #2
    Post the motor code: 3 characters which 6 is the 1st character and S/N.
    Than I may have a look


    • #3
      It is 6H6 015654

      Thank you for you time.


      • #4
        That model was manufactured until 1989, in fact your motor was manufactured in 1988.
        I gave a look to the parts manual and at 1st sight found 2 diferences.

        1 your main jet must be an #80 and for 8hp is a #98 (676-14943-26)

        2 the main noozle may be diferent but not sure.

        If you want to go ahead with this mod (at your own risk, I donīt think that may damage your motor but I can't say that you'll see an improvement) however by the price of the main jet (around $10) in my opinion I would try it.
        If youīll go ahead with this donīt expect a big improvement and the best way to probe it is with a tach.

        Just you can decide what to do...

        In case you'll go ahead than let us know the results.

        Good luck
        Last edited by almetelo; 01-17-2014, 10:33 AM.


        • #5
          Thank you so much for the info. I was told by a dealer that the "tuner" is different also. He said that was what the exhaust was called. Do you happen to see a difference there? I'm a tinkerer so I might give it a shot. So you don't think going from 6hp to 8hp will yield much of a difference in feel or speed?


          • #6
            Didnīt found any diference in the exaust...
            Best way to monitor the results is with a tach (tiny, small, chinese inductive tach to keep it cheap)
            If improves something is just 2 HP but yes, can make some diference depending the hull, prop and load on board

