Hi on the yamaha F100 EFI 2012 year the Yamaha digital Command Link gauges don't show any info on the gauge about oil pressur or temp. On the gauge manual it shows that it monitors the oil but it says too that it is not available on all models if it is an optional what is needed to make it work? Thanks jason
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oil sensor
it wont work.
the oil pressure sender is a simple on/off switch.
I don't think the ECU supports a pressure reading.
temp should work as its a variable resistance type sensor.
myself, its not worth the effort to monitor oil pressure as if the switch works all is well.
The owner's manual says. Depending on the model of the outboard motor, the oil pressure display may not be available. But the gauge is able to display it I will upload picture of the gauge on start up. Is there any accesori that have to be installed to bring this option to workAttached Files
the smaller F115 and lower HP engines typically use a simple ON/OFF switch for oil alarm control.
test it once a month or so as per the service manual and fuggit about it.
like I said, to my knowledge there is no way to get data about oil pressure from the ECU other than the switch is ON or OFF.
if I had a choice between monitoring temp or oil pressure I will take temp 100% of the time.
over the past 15 years or so of the F series I have never seen an oil pressure related failure.
I have seen many temp related failures due to various cooling system issues, most involved lack of maint.
Originally posted by jasoncallej View PostThe owner's manual says. Depending on the model of the outboard motor, the oil pressure display may not be available. But the gauge is able to display it I will upload picture of the gauge on start up. Is there any accesori that have to be installed to bring this option to work
Oil pressure is simply not available on a Command Link gauge when that gauge is connected to an F100 EFI model. The motor does not have an oil pressure sensor that is needed for this. One cannot be installed.
If you were to get low oil pressure then a message will scroll across the screen telling you of low oil pressure.
Now, if and when you ever install an NMEA 2000 network to an NMEA 2000 chart plotter, then there is a pressure sensor that you can T into the engine's oil pressure output tap to get oil pressure displayed on the chart plotter. But personally I think it would be a waste of time and money.
I found this on the yamaha eu. Digital Network Gauges
The F80 and F100 are compatible with Yamaha’s Digital Network Gauges, giving you the information needed to maximise engine performance and efficiency, including a Multifunction Tachometer with RPM, Hours Run, Trim Angle, Oil Pressure, Warning lamps and Variable RPM control -and a Speed/Fuel Management Gauge with Speed, Tank Capacity and Fuel Economy.
The oil pressure is listed as available. What do you think it is sapost to work or no
This is the web site
simply look at the oil pressure switch/sensor.
if its a single wire its a switch and cannot and will not display oil pressure data.
if its a 3 wire its a sensor that will give oil pressure data.
I don't have access to international motor parts lists.
the US market F115 and below don't transmit data to the command link about oil pressure.
only switch on or off.
and here again it may be a translation error.
it happens as the translator typically isn't an engineer nor a technician.