I had my engine (SX200TXRB - not sure if its an 02 or 03) winterized at the marina and the mechanic had 3 suggestions of things to do before starting up again in the spring. None sound too bad so I thought I would try to get some info and see if I can do them myself.
1) Install a fuel/water separator - any suggestions on what would be correct for this engine?
2) The starboard side was running cold - suggested removal and inspection of thermostats.
3) O2 sensor making ticking noise - clean or replace.
Like everyone I'm trying to save a few bucks. Does anyone have access to videos or schematics with step-by-step instructions that would help me with these jobs? Thanks.
1) Install a fuel/water separator - any suggestions on what would be correct for this engine?
2) The starboard side was running cold - suggested removal and inspection of thermostats.
3) O2 sensor making ticking noise - clean or replace.
Like everyone I'm trying to save a few bucks. Does anyone have access to videos or schematics with step-by-step instructions that would help me with these jobs? Thanks.