scaling map?
I will admit that's about the dumbest question I ever read.
if you don't believe I read and post a lot look at the acrchives for iboats and the hull truth.
one site I got banned from.
lNO outboard nor auto system gives a scaling map.
its a freaking fuel trimmer.
does NOTHING all day long except give a voltage representation to the ECU concerning oxygen in the exhaust.\
yes Virginia, its simply that simple.
ECU's are rather stupid and they will react to a signal.
outboards are 20m years behind auto technologly but are catching up quick.
exactly how you think this scaling map would work ?
I will admit that's about the dumbest question I ever read.
if you don't believe I read and post a lot look at the acrchives for iboats and the hull truth.
one site I got banned from.
lNO outboard nor auto system gives a scaling map.
its a freaking fuel trimmer.
does NOTHING all day long except give a voltage representation to the ECU concerning oxygen in the exhaust.\
yes Virginia, its simply that simple.
ECU's are rather stupid and they will react to a signal.
outboards are 20m years behind auto technologly but are catching up quick.
exactly how you think this scaling map would work ?