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What is the protocol to close a thread?

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  • What is the protocol to close a thread?

    Glad Frank Churchill got his answer....

  • #2
    I don't know but someone did not like the cowling thread.

    How do people lose their cowlings anyway? Forget to latch them and they come off going down the highway..get run over by the cement truck right behind them?

    Take them off looking at something out in deep water and drop them overboard..will they float?

    I am wondering as I seen a few posts on here now for people looking for cowls...

    I seen a fellow a couple of years ago on the highway towing his boat wit a big a.. engine that you fellows like so much. No cowl on it. Maybe it was in the boat...


    • #3
      Nothing controversial in the thread IMO. Strange to see it closed. First closed one I have seen.


      • #4
        Originally posted by panasonic View Post
        I don't know but someone did not like the cowling thread.

        How do people lose their cowlings anyway? Forget to latch them and they come off going down the highway..get run over by the cement truck right behind them?

        Take them off looking at something out in deep water and drop them overboard..will they float?

        I am wondering as I seen a few posts on here now for people looking for cowls...

        I seen a fellow a couple of years ago on the highway towing his boat wit a big a.. engine that you fellows like so much. No cowl on it. Maybe it was in the boat...
        Not sure that cowlings are lost so much as they get damaged. When folks back into stuff for instance.

        I have read of them being dropped overboard. Their specific gravity seems to be greater than that of water. They sink, but slowly enough to cause maximum pain. The owner gets to observe his one boat unit part slowly sinking into the abyss.

        They are a high value unsecured part. Somewhat like a propeller. Other folks help them become "lost".


        • #5
          I near lost my friends Mercury Black Max cowl overboard many moons ago while changing out spark plugs out on the water....I think it was 225hp? Biggest engine I ever seen at that point and time. It burned a lot of gas in a short period of


          • #6
            Originally posted by boscoe99 View Post

            I have read of them being dropped overboard. Their specific gravity seems to be greater than that of water. They sink, but slowly enough to cause maximum pain. The owner gets to observe his one boat unit part slowly sinking into the abyss.

            I would have to send my wife overboard to retrieve mine!!!!!
            Keep life simple, eat, sleep, fish, repeat!


            • #7
              I started the thread but did not close it. Don't know how it was closed - but i got the info thanks to you nice folks


              • #8
                Maybe i hit the little lock on the bottom right - if that locks the site that may have been hit here.


                • #9
                  I am not seeing a lock button. Maybe the one that starts the thread sees it.

                  I see a Like button but no lock button.

                  Do you see an unlock button now? That or hit the lock button again to unlock the thread. Just for test purposes.

                  I love/hate software.


                  • #10
                    usually folks just let it die on the vine.
                    then 5 yrs later someone comments on it.


                    • #11
                      If you are the person that started the thread you will see at the upper right hand corner of the thread first page a small gear emblem. If you click on that you will see the option to close the topic along with several others.
                      Keep life simple, eat, sleep, fish, repeat!


                      • #12
                        Really?! Damn.


                        • #13
                          Yes it can Close, Delete, Close or Move a topic.....just did it.


                          • #14
                            I learned something new today. It has been a good day.


                            • #15
                              Panasonic reminded me of a question regarding his original post. Ol Dangar mentioned something about the valve rework on that motor. I may have to watch again to get the terminology correct. But let me try. He mentioned the valves were not lapped. The were finished as interference. Something to that effect. Does that make sense? What is the difference?

