64C-42610-00-00 is the complete part number. For the first version of the cowling.
As design changes are made the second pair of numbers is changed. For any one or number of reasons. Might just mean that the graphics are different.
The last pair of numbers means the colour was changed. 4D is a Yamaha gray.
A Yam 150 and a Yam 175 at times use the same engine block. The same cowl is used on both motors. Called a 64C when used on the 150 and a 64D when used on the 175. Either cowl will fit the other model. They only have different part numbers because they are painted differently or use different graphics.
It can be confusing but there is a method to the madness.
$55 bucks and I will take it off your hands. You will have made a tidy 10% profit.
As design changes are made the second pair of numbers is changed. For any one or number of reasons. Might just mean that the graphics are different.
The last pair of numbers means the colour was changed. 4D is a Yamaha gray.
A Yam 150 and a Yam 175 at times use the same engine block. The same cowl is used on both motors. Called a 64C when used on the 150 and a 64D when used on the 175. Either cowl will fit the other model. They only have different part numbers because they are painted differently or use different graphics.
It can be confusing but there is a method to the madness.
$55 bucks and I will take it off your hands. You will have made a tidy 10% profit.