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Panasonic - Weather Channel

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  • Panasonic - Weather Channel

    Do you get the Wx channel up there in the God forsaken frozen north? They have a show called "Why airplanes crash". Some strange reasons. Last night it was about a DC-8 that had a suspected gear problem. They weren't sure if one of the gears was down and locked. After flying around for over an hour thinking about if the gear was locked or not, they ran out of gas. Jet A actually. The gear was then the least of their problems.

    It was back in the day when the co-pilot and the FE dared not to question the "old man". Both the co-pilot and FE were aware of the low fuel state but were afraid to really tell the Capitano about it.

  • #2
    Similar crash in the Everglades back in the 70's. Indicator light did not illuminate when the gear went down. Front gear light, actually it was a bulb back then. So they pilot passed the airport and flew out over the swamp at about 3000ft. They started futzing around with the bulb. Trying to remove and determine if the bulb was bad. Problem was they forgot to engage the auto pilot. Plane drifted lower and lower and you know what happened next.
    Last edited by pstephens46; 01-22-2018, 02:03 PM.


    • #3
      That's a good show about "why planes crash".....Rule #1 is "Fly The Plane"......My son and I just flew up from Key West yesterday and I like to cover the Everglades maybe 8000 feet or better to give a bit more glide time in case of a problem...especially in his single engine Mooney....altitude, like fuel is your friend


      • #4
        What do the fighter pilots say? Something to the effect of "speed is life". They don't glide so well. Maybe a 1:1?

        Mooney is a nice aircraft.
        Last edited by pstephens46; 01-22-2018, 07:36 PM.


        • #5
          Originally posted by boscoe99 View Post
          Do you get the Wx channel up there in the God forsaken frozen north? They have a show called "Why airplanes crash". Some strange reasons. Last night it was about a DC-8 that had a suspected gear problem. They weren't sure if one of the gears was down and locked. After flying around for over an hour thinking about if the gear was locked or not, they ran out of gas. Jet A actually. The gear was then the least of their problems.

          It was back in the day when the co-pilot and the FE dared not to question the "old man". Both the co-pilot and FE were aware of the low fuel state but were afraid to really tell the Capitano about it.
          Yes I seen that one before...sad to think that can happen, but it does. The human being can get so focused as to forget everything else going on.

          Seen a show about the interactions between the two disk jockeys sitting up front there. That attitude mainly came from the worlds military fighter flying...single man gets to call all the shots. And even the two or three place airplanes...mister in the left seat was not to be questioned....unfortunately many people have died as a result of that being transferred over in the civilian industry. Many fighter guys leaving the military and jumping into the commercial airlines....especially years ago.

          Not so bad now...they are supposed to work together.

          I never liked dealing with them really, a lot have huge egos which can make a simple problem into a huge one. Most of the good guys I found came from the bush flying, know how to take care of themselves, don't need babysitting and are nice fellows generally.


          • #6
            No place for ego. Just shown a program on Air Traffic Con*****ers here at Melbourne Airport. They need special mental skills.
            One has to have the skills to listen even if it is a distraction simultaneously in a stressful situation. Absurd scenario where "a team member" feels so intimidated not to call out the fuel situation! What was the crew for?


            • #7
              Originally posted by zenoahphobic View Post
              No place for ego. Just shown a program on Air Traffic Con*****ers here at Melbourne Airport. They need special mental skills.
              One has to have the skills to listen even if it is a distraction simultaneously in a stressful situation. Absurd scenario where "a team member" feels so intimidated not to call out the fuel situation! What was the crew for?
              The crew? To play cards of course. Nother story. Know an old feller who was a crew chief on a C130 back in the Vietnam days. They were lined up to land on a runway. Just happened to have a parallel runway next to it. Tower called late and changed them to said parallel. They landed in the middle. Grass and rough landing. Not that they were playing cards at that point. But the damn things went flying all over the ckpit. Crew chief volunteered to pick them up quickly so the pilots could meet the fire crew outside.

              Actually may have been the C-123. With the little jet engine pods. At some point they were upgraded to C-130s.
              Last edited by pstephens46; 01-22-2018, 11:17 PM.

