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no serial numbers or model number.

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  • no serial numbers or model number.

    Yes I am a plonker. I brought an outboard without checking for serial numbers. I am having the police check it out to see if it stolen. If its not any ideas how work out the model number rough age or parts number? I have been told it is a yamaha 60 hp F from approx the 80's. Many thanks for anything you can tell me. P.s. I am in the UK. If this makes any difference

  • #2

    The S/N should be on left bracket as the code of motor.
    If I'm not wrong on the left side of the the block you also must have the s/n. (I had a 60fetol but canīt remenber exactely where is the s/n in the block)
    If is a 3 cylinder it must be a 60F (but not sure) The 60F code is 6H2
    If you find the S/N I can tell you the exact year of manufacture.

    Donīt know how it works in the UK but In Portugal without an invoice (if new) or documents from a previous owner (if used) with all info of motor you can't register/fit the motor on the boat.

