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yamaha 80hp fourstroke f80b water problem

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  • yamaha 80hp fourstroke f80b water problem

    i need help please, as here is a small island and we can't find that many outboard engineers i had my f80b dripping from the pilot hole and i changed the impeller because i thing that was the impeller and the water from pilot hole still dripping so actually the impeller was fine and i change it anyway and after i change the impeller is still dripping from the pilot hole but from the exhaust and there is a small hole under the exhaust the water is coming out galore can some one help me please
    thanks in advance
    Last edited by marvik1970; 08-22-2013, 02:40 PM.

  • #2
    I think you are talking about what we call the tell tale. The port from which water flows when the motor is running to indicate the water pump is working.

    Is that it?

    If so is your concern that there is not a great amount of water coming from the tell tale? The outlet port, the tube back to the motor, or the port on the block to which the tube is attached might be clogged. Disconnect the hose from the block and see if it is clogged or not? Maybe try and run some heavy monofilament line through the hose and outlet port to try and un clog it.


    • #3
      thanks for the reply yeah that's the one but is not clog because you can see the light it from it, i'm thinking that because there is a tee and from the filter side only the water is coming out and the other side are a pipe that is behind the intake that is coming noting i was going to take my air compressor and blow in the pipe because i try to blow in it and it seams that is block
      Last edited by marvik1970; 08-22-2013, 03:51 PM.

