1st time boat owner looking for help. I just bought a used boat with 2000 Yamaha 40 HP 2 stroke (C40TLRY). The first thing I did was replace the impeller and test motor in tub of water, the stream was good. I took boat out next day for a few hours and had good stream entire time even at idle. When I got home and flushed the motor in the water tub it didn't produce any stream, not even a trickle. I pulled the lower unit and removed the upper pump cover and it appeared fine. Any help will be greatly appreciated.
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40HP water pump problem?
My thoughts are it is just your tell tail plugged up.
My C40TLRX has had it happen from time to time.
Scale/Crude breaks loose on the inside and blocks the passage
Blow some compressed air up it or just run a piece of weed wacker line up it while running
I checked the tell tale and it's clear. The thermostat looked pretty crusty so I'm replacing it and just to be thorough (maybe too thorough) I've got a water pump repair kit on the way. Would someone tell me what to use in seating the metal bowl inside the plastic water pump cover when I replace it. Also Robert mentioned earlier in my thread to check the pressure valve but I can't locate one in the parts diagram for my motor and would like to know where it's located and how to check it. I work on stuff all the time, just new to boat motors.
Thanks to everyone for your advice. I installed the water pump repair kit with housing and new thermostat. Motor has a strong tell tale now. I plan to take my family to the lake tomorrow and enjoy. I appreciate the help and have a great weekend!