took my 2005 lowe stinger with 2005 F90 out the other day and broke down about 200ft away from boat ramp. Full tank, took off ran fine then slowly died out. would not restart. would turn over and try but wouldnt. Got back to ramp with *****ing motor. Had gas in bilge area. smelt real strong. Got home removed the handhole cobvers to see the tank, had gas on top of the tank also. My guess is the seal for sending unit bad. But, would this make the motor not run. I was thinking may have got water in fuel. Anyone had this problem?
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Motor quit
Drained all gas out. about a quarter was water. On the bottom of tank. So the motor was drawing a lot of water. The gasket for sending unit had screws that were hand tight. Im gonna get some rtv and re install. As far as the motor, Im changing the filter, getting a 10 micron water seperator to mount on the boat. What do I need to do to get the water out of the fuel system on motor? It only has 70 hrs. Thanks