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VMax HPDI operating 'best practice'

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  • VMax HPDI operating 'best practice'

    I've got a 175 VMax HPDI with 180 hours. I try to run as much ethanol free gas as possible and always use the ring-free additive. Fuel filters are changed seasonally along with the water/fuel separator. On my 3rd set of plugs and the 2nd ones were unusually oily.

    Besides basic maintenance, what are the other 'best practice' standards for running these motors for maximum life? Is there recommended warm up time before you throttle up? Cool down time? I typically cruise at 4000 rpms because it gives me the best fuel mileage. Is this too low/too high? I have a jet pump and prop for the motor and with both I can turn 5100 at WOT. Is this too low/high? I know the range is 4500-5500, but have also heard that the Vmax's like to rev.

    Basically I just am not in a situation to be able to replace this motor so I want to do EVERYTHING possible to make it last.


  • #2
    4000 RPM is good as is the WOT.
    clean the VST and replace the medium pressure filter yearly or so.
    same with the water pump,t-stats and pressure valve grommet.
    periodic cleaning and testing of the O2 sensor.
    check plug cap resistance yearly.
    change the HP pump oil per maint chart.
    keep good fuel in it and DO NOT let it sit long.

    tell the wife ya simply gotta fish or the motor will dry rot.


    • #3
      Thanks for the input.

      So real quick, I've just looked up the whole MP filter crap lately. I can remove and clean the HP and VSP screen/filters and then have to replace the MP filter. Correct? And this is a somewhat easy procedure it sounds like.

      Then what oil is in the HP pump? Haven't really looked at that before.

      Any thoughts on warm up time? The boat gets used at least every 2 weeks all year long. Then usually 2-3 times a week from June through october.

      thanks again


      • #4
        to change the MP filter your going to need the correct oetiecker clamp and some type of clamp pliers.
        I use the CV joint clamp pliers from snap on.
        the HP pump oil is the same as the gear case oil and changed the same way.

