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test propeller

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  • test propeller

    Tried the search function and checked on google .. no success ..
    I am curious how the Yamaha test propeller for a 90hp 2 stroke looks like .
    Can anybody help ??
    Thx in advance !

  • #2
    The ones that I have seen are an enclosed circle with blades. Kind of hard to explain if you've never seen one. They are to give resistance to the motor without thrust. I searched youtube for a link, but like you said, not much on the net about them.


    • #3
      search for part number YB-1620 or KL-1620.


      • #4
        Thanks mate !


        • #5
          If you find a picture post it , as some others may like to have a look too.

          I googled those part #s but did not find anything with a pic


          • #6
            I also tried to find it but did not succeed ..
            But the good news is - based on the part numbers rodbolt17 provided I found a German dealer who :
            - has such test propeller
            - will provide it to me for testing
            As he said when he tried it it does not apply much load to the engine - but I`ll see .
            Ordered today a cylinder head with higher compression ( we got here only good fuel ) & a tuning exhaust .
            Before installing this parts I intend to check the max motor rpm with original parts as reference and then I will install the head and the exhaust and will measure again . The head also comes with slightly bigger main jets .
            This should show the gain of power . At least I hope ..
            This will happen only in spring when I have the opportunity to test the motor .
            Will make definitely pictures and will post them !


            • #7
              I posted the same question also on a German boat forum . If you scroll down the link you will find some pictures .
              Yamaha test propeller / test wheel - - Das Forum rund um Boote


              • #8
                I posted the same question on a German forum and one of the guys posted today some pictures .
                It is in german but if you scroll through the thread you will see them .
                Yamaha test propeller / test wheel - - Das Forum rund um Boote


                • #9
                  Strange - tried yesterday twice to post a message with a link to a German boat forum where one of the guys there posted some pictures of the test propeller .
                  For some reasons these messages do not appear ..


                  • #10
                    Never had a problem by post a link here just fot attachments!
                    Try again I guess...

                    Is a lot of people waiting for those pics


                    • #11
                      might just type the address instead of making a link.

                      Or click on the picture
                      copy it to your computer
                      then attach that pic to this thread in your next post


                      • #12
                        what your trying to do isnt going to work well.
                        that test wheel provides a known load on a known gear ratio on a known horsepower output.
                        if the stock 90 hp is running correctly it can spin that test wheel at 5100-5300 RPM.
                        if it cannot its sick and needs a Dr.
                        however max RPM is 5500.
                        what you need is someone with a dynomometer.


                        • #13
                          Try now :

                          Yamaha test propeller / test wheel - - Das Forum rund um Boote

                          I agree that it is not a dyno - at our facility we are just installing a 3500hp dyno for CAT engines - but I can check timing at WOT and as for tuning it is at least an indicator that things not going the wrong direction .
                          I am still thinking to take one of my old alu props and to reduce significantly the diameter to use it as a "test prop" - or reference prop as well .
                          Just hard or impossible to guess what the right diameter will be ..
                          Again - I will not be able to test it either in march in France or even only in May in Germany - but I will post the results .
                          Regards from Ukraine .


                          • #14
                            try this and put triple w in front ..
                            was just writing a post but AGAIN it disappeared



                            • #15
                              give up .. wrote another long post but it just disappeared .. probably the KGB steps on the line ..
                              Agree that this will not replace a dyno . BTW - in our faciltiy we are just installing a 3500hp dyno for CAT engines
                              But I can do easily the WOT timing test and for the tuning it will indicate at least whether the changes going into the right directions .
                              I even think about to take one of my old alu props and reduce the diameter significantly and to try to use it as well as a reference prop . Question is only that is is absolutely unpredictable to estimate how much the diameter needs to be reduced to achieve appr 5000 rpm ..
                              Unfortunately I will be only able to test either in March in France or even only in May in Germany the motor - but I will keep you posted !
                              Here some pics .
                              Regards from Ukraine
                              Attached Files

