I have a 2003 Yamaha 50 hp 2-stroke. It recently began blowing the main 20 amp fuse on the motor when I would engage the up switch for the trim on the throttle handle. There was a black ground wire connected to the (blue) wire going to the throttle handle trim switch. If I disconnect that ground wire, everything works fine. That ground is also connected to the Kill Switch and Ignition Switch inside the throttle control. All the in-line connectors are sealed and look good and clean. I have already cleaned both ground connections on the motor itself. It seems there is a short somewhere but I am now at a loss as to where to look. Please help.
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Electrical short on Yamaha 50 2-stroke
There shouldn't be a black wire connected to blue wire, disconnect it and should be ok.
I would, except that ground wire has been plugged there since the boat was new. Does the trim motor only need the one ground that is coming off of it and being grounded directly to the block? It just makes me a little nervous to disregard a ground, but again, I'm no expert, just trying to understand the correct wiring procedure. Any explanation of what this wiring from the trim motor to the throttle control is supposed to look like, is greatly appreciated.
The blue wire at throttle handle is trim up wire, will have 12 volts when trim switch is pressed up and shouldn't be grounded.