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Still not peeing

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  • Still not peeing

    I have a 2003 150 HP HPDI love the motor.
    Backed up thru some lily pads and water outlet became weak.
    Replaced water pump with Sim deluxe water pump kit (only way to go).
    All o-rings are in place.
    That did not work.
    Cleaned poppet valve (nice to get to......not) of sand particles.
    That did not work.
    Used weed whip line about 12 " long to snake up thru pee hole and still no relief.
    No alarms going off at either idle or WOT.
    How far can you go up the rubber hose where the water exits?
    Any ideas?
    Thanks for the help.

  • #2
    I would use some compressed air to blow up the tell tail to see if that helped.
    I would also stay with Yamaha parts, not aftermarket. Just an opinion.

    Did the motor overheat when you hit the vegetation?
    Did the kit include housing?
    Might check to make sure it is not a problem


    • #3
      All Yamaha parts used.
      Sim-Yamaha great source for parts.
      Used old housing as the kit does not come with one-should not be needed as the SS impeller housing is what wears.
      Did not think of air-will give that a go.
      No alarms have gone off.
      Just trying to prevent that occurance from happening.


      • #4
        Bumped up.
        Any other ideas?


        • #5
          How long of a time period, did you run the motor since replacing the water pump? This may determime if alarms would go off or not. If it hadn't run long enough, it may not had time to over heat.

          I noticed you said no alarms have gone off. Curious if you ran it on muffs or during a trip out on the water?

          T-stats opening? This should cause over heat, though, if they are not working correctly.

          Does water come out of the two exhaust vents just beneath lower cowl, when engine is running?

          Did you get the water pump outlet tube, aligned inside the mating tube, located inside the lower unit? Maybe pump is not pumping water up to the head enough to pee?


          • #6
            I cannot believe it has taken me this long to try the compressed air method. This only means I need more water time next year!
            I took it down to a Minnesota river landing in Bloomington, MN and backed it in far enough to start it up.
            It pees great now!
            I now can sleep well for rest of the winter NOT worrying about spring water pump problems. This helped me to run Stable thru all of the important stuff and now it is parked for winter.
            Thanks for all of the suggestions.


            • #7
              Good to hear you got it flowing again.

              Always have a good look at the housing when changing impeller kit to make sure there is no evidence of melting plastic.

              When water flow is blocked off, the pump can overheat enough to cause problems with the housing


              • #8
                Yes I will look at the housing closer if I get in the weeds again.
                Will take the housing and place it a one of our clean windows to be sure it's flat.
                Then take cover after the wife sees the marks on her clean window.

