I have a 1994 150,Yamaha,need another lower unit.Can anyone tell me what years will work.I have a possibility at a 2006,,but the guy is not sure if its exactly an 06,but knows its 04,05-06,any help GREATLY appreciated.
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Gear case compatability
thanks for replies guys.pete ,have another question,my motor is a 150 txrs,not a pro v max. 25 " shaft. Now ,why do the middle yrs.all seam to be OK,but the Pro V starts at 86 ending at 07 ,when the Reg.eng is 88 thru 05.Problem I have is,people with used stuff don't seem to know the yr.of their used gear cases.Thanks again.I certainly have something to work with here.As for looking up part #'s,all the yrs from mid 90's to mid 2000 have same housing #'s ,but often different ending numbers.Some tell me,not to be concerned with last #'s because they deal with the yr and UNIMPORTANT INFO.They may be right ,but I dont want to buy something that dont fit.
I mean try to get the newest one poss.. within budget..Any of those standard gc's should work Id prefer dirty gear lube vs here's a case with fresh lube..for all u you know he washed all the water and metal shavings? you gota be so careful today too many sketchy people..sad..Try to go with someone rep...of course check impeller..its an easy job..just expensive..
good luck
Guys,thanks,99yam40,I did what you suggested.Actually,I just got SO PO'D,I got my credit card and called SEI.DONE.,way more than I wanted to spend,BUT ,in the end its true.You NEVER know what some shady guy across the country is sellin,.Been around outboards a while ,AND,I still ALLOW myself to be screwed.Guess between my 56 yr old eyes,BEING TRUSTING,I tend to forget there are cons ,as well as,sellers as well as buyers. not educated.I bought a 94 Wellcraft,clean boat,eng ran great,did comp,which is excel.BUT,did not look close enough.The gearcase has a crack,its the old corrosion under the carrier nut.Of course between the weld,bondo and paint I missed it, til I decided to grease the prop and change the oil.SUPRISE.MY FAULT,BUYERS BEWARE<I guess I need to start bringing some youth around when I venture ou buyin stuff.Thanks again .