I received replacement part number 6h1-ws-132-00-00. It came with a bushing but the original part has no bushing. Where is this bushing used and is it nececssary in this motor?
It came with 3 plastic pieces that appear to connect in some way to the hose line. Where do they connect?
The nipples going to the manifold are not in the same order on the pump as in the original part. They are in different locations. What cylinder gets hooked up to what nipple?
Should the linkage snap back on the pump? Is there a spring tension?
It came with 3 plastic pieces that appear to connect in some way to the hose line. Where do they connect?
The nipples going to the manifold are not in the same order on the pump as in the original part. They are in different locations. What cylinder gets hooked up to what nipple?
Should the linkage snap back on the pump? Is there a spring tension?