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2002 2 stroke 25hp dies for no reason

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  • 2002 2 stroke 25hp dies for no reason

    Sometimes when I'm using my outboard usually around half throttle it starts to die all of a sudden then I put more throttle then it springs back to life all of a sudden. I find if I don't increase the throttle it usally dies but if I start it up again after it dies it's always fine.
    It doesn't bother me much because it doesn't happen often and all I have to do is increase throttle to avoid it dying all together.

  • #2
    check the carbs to see if there is some water or trash of some kind floating around in the bottom of the bowls


    • #3
      Should be a carb float chamber drain screw or bolt on the bottom/side of carb that you can remove to drain carb onto clean white rag to see what's in it. With screw out, pump primer bulb to sorta flush out float chamber with fresh gas. Check/clean your fuel filter also. If it keeps doing it then you may want to remove and clean carb before it gets worse. Good Luck!


      • #4
        it is fuel injected so I though it didn't have carberators?


        • #5
          Never seen a 25 hp fuel injected 2 stroke from 2002.
          What is the model #


          • #6
            Actually I was taking a better look and I think I'm understanding things better, I believe I can see actually see 2 carburators one for each cylinder? And I noticed drain screws on the bottom of each, cool. So just like you said I can open those up drain some fluid and pump some gas through it to flush it, more or less.
            The top carberator I can drain to a white rag like mentiioned to see if there is any dirt but the bottom one is down low and crowded.


            • #7
              My recommendation is to remove the carbs and disassemble to inspect and clean properly


              • #8
                Also I have been noticing some water collecting in the bottom of the cowling near the back. I was looking at the hose that is connected to the impeller but everything looks good and don't think the water is coming from there. Where else could this water come from? I was even thinking of drilling a small hole on the bottom cowling so it could help drain some of this water.


                • #9
                  If that water is getting to some of the wiring and the insulation has chafed it could cause some problems, but there should be drain holes on both sides of that lower cowling. Just need to make sure they are open and not plugged up with crud.
                  Gasket leaks, hole from corrosion through water jacket, or maybe just the tell tail hose is bad causing the water to leak into the cowling. You will have to inspect while running to see

