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powerhead ID 75-90hp

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  • powerhead ID 75-90hp

    I have a running yamaha powerhead i got without the rest of the motor. Serial # on the welch plug is 487457.
    What i know
    Its a 3 cylinder oil injected two stroke.
    10 bolt head which makes it a 75-90 hp.
    It has electronic ignition which my 1990 does not.
    Thats about it.
    Id want to find a doner motor to put this on so id like to find out what year it is atleast and what years it would fit on would be even better.


  • #2
    no one has any info on what years are interchangable for 75-90 hp yamaha powerheads?


    • #3
      Sounds like you picked up a hot power head and do not even know what it came off of, and I have no idea why some one would do that. I have lost too much to thieves in the past and really dislike people that support them by buying from them
      You can look up power heads on this part site for different motors, but without a modle # you may need to tear it apart and start measuring things to see what the specs are, but all I can say is good luck and don't do it again.
      Maybe report the ones you bought it from


      • #4
        I got it in a storage auction the person had a bunch of outboard parts and a bunch of junk too. there was actually a 70 hp intermediate, i assumed it went with this powerhead but no such luck only 8 bolt holes. there was also a 90 engine cover, precision blend, thats why im leaning toward it being a 90. i know its not hot but if it was its legally mine now and id like to get it togather.

