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wiring a yamaha 703 remote control

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  • wiring a yamaha 703 remote control

    Sometimes I should ask before I screw things up, but unfortunately I seem to always screw things up, I need help. I was attempting to rewire a yamaha 703 remote control throttle which controls a yamaha 25hp 2-stroke. The electric start is wired and so is a depth finder. The depth finder screen was flickering and I found an defective splice connection. While I was attempting to correct the splice connection, I think I may have shorted something, because once I got it spliced back together, the electric start won't work and the depth finder won't even come on (the initial problem was that the screen was flickering). Does anyone have any idea what I should check, or what I could have blown? Are there any fuses in a 25 hp 2-stroke boat motor...any relays in the yamaha 703 remote control...maybe I shorted something in the key assembly of the yamaha 703. Any ideas... Thanks!

  • #2
    there is a 20 amp fuse near the starter relay you could have blown.
    no relays or fuses in the box.


    • #3
      It is always best to disconnect power source (battery in your case) before working on the electrical on anything


      • #4
        good advice.not first nor the last I forget it.
        however no one has stills nor video.
        I wil deny it.


        • #5
          can't tell me about it often enough, I took over 2500v AC hand to hand once when I forgot about a back feed into a step down transformer while testing a different one.
          They made me stay over night hooked up to an IV and monitor just in case my heart decided to stop.
          But I had no problems , so I went back the next day to finish up the shutdown maintenance we were doing.
          Folded me up into a little ball as I fell off the top of that transformer, as luck has it I had a fall restraint harness on and tied off to the top before I did the stupid thing.


          • #6
            Thanks guys. I will try replacing that relay. Do y'all have any idea what you call the butt splices with the plastic housing around them?

