I have a 90ELTG Yamaha outboard. The trim/tilt actuator has the following symptoms:
-The motor is locked in the trailering position
-Hit the trim up button and the motor free-spins and slowly builds hydraulic pressure (~5 seconds or more). Outboard finally trims up slightly and then I can release the trailering lock.
-Motor trims all the way down normally.
-When trimming back up from the bottom, there is free-spin on the motor again, followed by a slow build-up of pressure and the trim finally responds.
-When the trim cylinders have extended fully, there is another pause (with "gurgling") before the tilt cylinder starts to extend.
-The tilt will eventually extend fully to allow the trailering lock to be engaged.
-The outboard will not hold any one setting for very long.
-I've "bled" the system several times using the manual screw.
-The unit is filled to capacity according to the shop manual.
I assume a rebuild is in order. Seloc manual covers rebuilding the cylinders (new o-rings), but discourages any further disassembly. Is a trim cylinders and tilt cylinder rebuild with new o-rings going to solve my problem, or do I need to dig further into the pump and check valves? Are rebuild kits available for this unit or do I have to order the parts one by one?
Please advise.
-The motor is locked in the trailering position
-Hit the trim up button and the motor free-spins and slowly builds hydraulic pressure (~5 seconds or more). Outboard finally trims up slightly and then I can release the trailering lock.
-Motor trims all the way down normally.
-When trimming back up from the bottom, there is free-spin on the motor again, followed by a slow build-up of pressure and the trim finally responds.
-When the trim cylinders have extended fully, there is another pause (with "gurgling") before the tilt cylinder starts to extend.
-The tilt will eventually extend fully to allow the trailering lock to be engaged.
-The outboard will not hold any one setting for very long.
-I've "bled" the system several times using the manual screw.
-The unit is filled to capacity according to the shop manual.
I assume a rebuild is in order. Seloc manual covers rebuilding the cylinders (new o-rings), but discourages any further disassembly. Is a trim cylinders and tilt cylinder rebuild with new o-rings going to solve my problem, or do I need to dig further into the pump and check valves? Are rebuild kits available for this unit or do I have to order the parts one by one?
Please advise.