I have a 89 yamaha excel. It sat for a year and now I'm trying to use it. What's happening is it runs for a day or two with no problems then on the 3rd day I start it up and it will run for 10 mins and die. Give it between 1 and 3 hours to rest and it fires right back up and has no problem for a few days. I have check most of the sencers and the yelloww wire has 9.5V when the motor dies. does anyone know what it could be.
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Q & A on 89 excel
9 .5V on the yellow wire?
the ECU is powering down to to loss of 12V key on power.
I do have 12V on the red wire at key. Also put a new key switch in thinking it was that.
If you have 12 on the red but only 9.5 on the yellow You will need to find out where the voltage is dropping due to high resistance or something is dragging it down pulling too much current
Ok. Got that. When its running it has 12.45 on the yellow but when it dies it has no spark and when the motor is being turned over the yellow wire has 9.5v.
Is the battery voltage and the red wire voltage still at 12 when the yellow drops to 9.5 or are they all at 9.5v?
Then look for why you are loosing battery voltage to the whole motor.
Or measure and tell us what you find on the battery terminals and then on the cable connections on both ends when the problem is happening
Check my wire had 12.4v on red and yellow. It just die again today had 12.4v on red and 9.6 on yellow. I bypass the hold wiring harnest and jump the motor at the starter solenoid and powered the yellow wire with 12v and still not starting. But when I bypass the CPU it start right up.
do you understand the difference between ign PRODUCING devices and ign CON*****ING devices on that engine?
Hey guys just wanted to let u know I fixed the 89 excel. It needed a new CPU. So far its running great. Thanks for the help everyone.