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2001 yamaha z150 hpdi

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  • 2001 yamaha z150 hpdi

    Propeller shaft seals need replacing. Cover Nut is resisting removal. WD40 does not help. I have made a removal tool but I am reluctant to apply excessive force. Any suggestions? Thanks in advance for your thoughts.

  • #2
    unless its a brand new unit I dont try it here in the salt pond.
    to quick and easy to cut them out.
    I use a dewalt bullit-point bit either 1/4 or 5/16ths.
    drill two holes about 1/2 apart as close to but not damaging the case threads.
    then go 180* and drill the third.
    is a small dulled chiesel to break out the section with two holes then crack the ring at the third hole.
    that ring nut is cheaper than breaking a skeg,cavitation plate or damaging the case threads.
    takes about 5 minutes to break the nut.
    the bullit point bits do not walk like standard 135* bits.


    • #3
      Very interesting suggestion. Would you have any photos of the drilled/broken ring nut?


      • #4
        no pics .
        however I have been removing the claw nuts from mercurys,yamaha's and mercruisers this way for 20+ years.
        its the quickest,least damaging method.
        the key is a good drill bit.
        the bullit-point style,dewalt makes a nice one, wont walk and cut almost flat.


        • #5
          Thank you for the suggestion. I have considered this approach and now with your thoughts I will proceed.
          Thanks much, Ron

