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703 con*****er??

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  • 703 con*****er??

    my con*****er is starting to act up, when I go from full throtle back to idle and then try to put in neutral it hangs up and won't go to neutral, I have to force it in and when it does the rpm"s will jump up high and the only way to get them done is put it back in gear, they will come down and then it will go into neutral smoothly, does anyone know what is causing this, giving me fits trying to figure it out

  • #2
    dont think its the box.
    whats the engine model?


    • #3
      its is a 1985 90etlk


      • #4
        make sure the throttle assy on the engine is returning to its idle position when you return it to idle.
        if it does not getting out of gear is very difficult.


        • #5
          I will check again, what I have noticed is with the eng. off it moves smoothly from idle to wotand back to neural.


          • #6
            also when I was running the motor on the lake today, when I went from wot to idle the rpms dropped to idle but would not go into neutral


            • #7
              just wanted to give you an update on the motor. I fished the tourney and luckily did not have to use the big motor to win it Sunday I pulled the cowling off and was starring at the motor when I notice that the throttle plate on the bottom carb was open about a 1/4 way with the other two closed, upon futher examination I found that there is a linkage rod that goes from bottom carb to oil pump
              this rod was rubbing on the oil tank don't know how after all these years it just starts rubbing on tank I spaced the tank out with washers and now it clearsand throttle plate closes just find , I tried motor in driveway with muffs and it was shifting fine, even chanced it and reved it a couple of times in gear up to about 3500 to 4000rpms and back down quick and it would shift to neutral with no problem. I put it in the lake today and it ran great, shifted with no problem that was one big headache gone , now I can really consintrate on fishing

